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"You wouldn't like me when I'm angry..." OR "Dr. Jekyll and Jiminy Cricket":

I'm a collector of odd facts. I remember hearing this one some time ago, about how grasshoppers morph into brutal locusts under certain conditions but I find that often the "facts" you hear word of mouth aren't always factual. (Unfortunately, a lot of facts in those 1001 Fascinating Fact books are often wrong too... I've thought of writing a 1001 Fascinating Falsehoods [you thought were facts!], but I'll just have to add that to my to do list.)

Anyway, it's true!. I guess grasshoppers are the poster-insect for serotonin induced mania.

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T en?tymology -- my two favorite things:

I love both etymology and entymology.

Yesterday, I found this on the wall near our shower. It looked at first like a crack in the tile, or a dusty drip of caulking or spackle, which are numerous in our bathroom. But I took a closer look, and there was a little Alice In Wonderland-esque worm poking its head out of both ends of the case, which looked like a dirty pumpkin seed. Unbelievable! Turns out it is the larvae of a Case Making (or alternatively Bearing) Clothes Moth. I don't like the fact that we have clothing moths, but that thing was neat, if a little freaky.

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