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[Trackback URL for this entry] foster ave. / jerk drivers:

I'll miss driving on Foster avenue... after 11 years it is quite the beaten path in my mind. It deserves a real writeup, but things are too busy right now with the show coming up.

I won't miss drivers who drive up in the parking lane and get blocked by a park car, and then weasel in to the line and look at you as though you'd be doing them a big favor to let them in. Ususally I just let them go, but what I'd really like to do is give them a fat thumbs-down and not let them in. I don't need to flip them the bird, but I think maybe the thumbs-down sends the appropriate message. Who am I kidding, that's not my style.

Anyway, back to work. Still healing from the cold. Head full of snot.

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