In mid-June, alh and I will be leaving Chicago, destination: California by way of the Northland. We'll be moving home for a month, give or take, and then out to Southern California for school -- law school for alh at Pepperdine (she's doing their Strauss Institute program for dispute resolution) and I will eventually be getting a masters in Computer Science from somebody down there... maybe Frankie's Back Alley University (FBAU)... who knows.
The reality of moving away is really starting to sink in now... I've begun to admit to myself that we will probably never get the office really cleaned up until we box everything up and move away. Embarassing.
Tue Mar 08 09:55:37 leaving town:
I've been living in Chicago now for over eleven years and thinking about leaving soon has made me want to make a list of things I will miss and things I won't miss about the Second City on the Third Coast. I'm going to try and make a post every day with that topic in mind -- in no particular order. Here's my first entry:
<b>will miss</b>: Having such a spectacularly funny mayor. Every time Daley is on the television, it's comedy gold. Ask anybody.
won't miss: the rustling of plastic bags in the trees. Living in Chicago, you actually think that maybe plastic bags *do* grow on trees. Unfortunately, I'll probably get plenty of that in LA... maybe they'll just be in palm trees or something instead of mulberry and catalpa. I hope not. Tue Mar 08 10:04:52 thumbs up - thumbs down:
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