So, I made it almost to 56 hours, but the last night I had some homework done and I had to stay up. I probably completed the 52-hour challenge. I felt great though! You should all try it. You'll thank me.
Anyway, some other cool things you might like to know.
If you're on Debian/Ubuntu, and you want some RAD tab completion power, just source /etc/bash_completion in your login scripts. Yow! Now you can tab-complete package names with apt-get! And much, much more.
Another hot tip I just learned, is the -f switch for ssh, which is really handy for tunneling X11 apps over ssh. From the manpage: "Requests ssh to go to background just before command execution. ... This
implies -n. The recommended way to start X11 programs at a
remote site is with something like ssh -f host xterm." What you get when you try this, is the login prompt, then the program loads, and you get your terminal back... which you can then close! ... but since ssh is backgrounded, the tunneled app stays open! PROFIT!
Sat Mar 03 19:59:02 PST 56 Hour Challenge Results... :
Boston's eponymous first release and Tom Waits' Small Change were both released in 1976. In fact, Small Change was being recorded when I was born. Coincidence? I think not.
Sat Mar 03 23:10:03 PST Boston and Tom Waits:
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