off by one for 2008 April

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T Wed Apr 23 22:12:22 Piled Higher and Deeper:

So, I've decided to stay on at UCLA and get a PhD.

T Sat Apr 26 11:43:58 today's soundtrack:

So, I'd say 3/5 days I wake up with a song already in my head... I'm not sure where they come from -- maybe they're the song that was playing during my dream, or maybe they are *like* dreams -- I have this idea that if you "had" one of *my* dreams, that it would be something completely different to you, since our brains are different. I have no idea if that idea is scientifically sound or not. So I'm not sure if I actually had this song in my head while I slept, or if that's just the song I come up with when I try to make sense of the random music in my head. Anyway, today's soundtrack is "I'm still alive", by Pearl Jam.


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