off by one for 2009 June 27 (entry 0)

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Abstraction and Trade-offs: The Devil You Know >

[Trackback URL for this entry] Sat Jun 27 20:35:14 PST Abstraction -- Friend or Foe?:

Abstraction is one of the pillars of software and systems engineering. It allows designers and developers to worry about their own specific problem (e.g., writing application A) without having to understand all the details of the system. It's almost impossible to imagine building a complicated system like an operating system or local area network without relying on abstraction to make the problem manageable. In the CS world, you're taught that abstraction, not dogs, are Man's best friend.

But abstraction comes at a cost. It can be less efficient, of course; the abstraction gives flexibility, at the cost of cycles or memory. These days, most of us are willing to pay an efficiency cost if it means for quicker development time, etc. But most people don't think about the inherent security cost of using abstractions.

Abstraction is powerful specifically because it hides the details of one system from another system, exposing only an interface. But, the devil is in the details as usual. Using an abstraction means trusting the abstraction to have whatever properties are important to you, including security properties like confidentiality and authenticity. I could provide a messaging abstraction for you that I advertise to be secure, but in reality isn't. Depending on the kind of application, you might not have any control over the abstraction or even ability to verify my claims. You might not even have a choice about the abstraction to begin with.

Consider the typical networking stack for LANs. Your network application relies on all the abstraction in your app (libraries), and every abstraction underneath it -- network layer, transport layer, etc. ARP Poisoning attacks attack the ARP resolution of Ethernet, which affects your machine's ability to communicate to the Internet. In essence, it's trivial to use ARP Poisoning to sniff portions of a LAN, or perform data modification, even on switched networks. There are very few common methods to deal with the possibility of ARP Poisoning on your average corporate network, so you just have to live with the fact that it's vulnerable.

But if Internet traffic is vulnerable, then so is DNS, and from there you're lost. Thanks to abstraction, you're actually helpless to replace those layers in the system. You might be able to replace your application libraries, but you can't easily get rid of ARP.

Tomorrow: Tradeoffs: Maybe Abstraction Is Worth It Anyway...


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