In Word 2007 (at least) in order to change references from using parentheses to using square brackets requires editing XML! Boooo. Wed Sep 21 10:15:41 PST Changing references from parens to brackets...:
In the Boy Scouts, there is a thing called a "Totin' Chip". It is "both an award and contract in Boy Scouts of America that shows Scouts understand and agree to certain principles of using different tools with blades" (WP). To get the Totin' Chip, which is a paper card (like a library card or the like) scouts must demonstrate a certain amount of knowledge and responsibility. The Wikipedia page has more on it, of course. The main thing (besides the rules) is that violations of the Totin' Chip code result in one or more corners of the card being removed; when all the corners are gone, you lose your right to tote a blade.
Anyway, I think there should be a "Codin' Chip" -- maybe it's a card, maybe it's an actual chip. If it's a card you lose corners; if it's a chip, you lose pins. Anyway, when you lose em' all, you're done.
Violations can be large or small; for example, not commenting code meant for others to read falls into that category, as does using equality to test floating point numbers inappropriately. Using strcpy and the like is definitely in there.
What else should cause you to forfeit a pin off your Codin' Chip? Wed Sep 21 14:59:33 PST Codin' Chip:
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