off by one for 2013 March 14 (entry 0) |
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Like many hackers I'm constantly looking at or moving around tons of different terminal windows, which often need to be resized. Compiz in Ubuntu includes the Grid plugin, which at first I thought was super annoying, what with its automatically resizing my windows for no apparent reason. But then I set some hotkeys that make my life easy. Basically, using the modifier <Ctrl><Alt><Shift> and the keys A,Q,W,E,D,C,X,Z and S, I can stuff a window into various quadrants or halves of the screen. It's REALLY handy for lining up two vertical terminals side by side on today's widescreen monitors.
But the other day, I was using a crufty old P4 with an ancient video card do I had to fall back to GNOME. Boy, did I miss grid. But in googling around, I found out that in addition to ALT-leftbutton_drag to move windows, there's also ALT-middlebutton_drag to resize windows. I thought, "that's dumb"... but then I tried it and it's pretty awesome, especially when moving windows from a bigger monitor to a smaller monitor when grid or maximize gets confused. A little middle-button alt dragging and things are just right.
I actually have a whole set of left-hand chording shortcuts for window management that I'll post about at some point later. It makes window management for multiple terminals and desktops super easy.
Thu Mar 14 09:25:07 PST resizing windows in ubuntu:
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