off by one for 2005 May 2 (entry 0)

< redvinegar
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[Trackback URL for this entry] Mon May 02 16:53:52 being my own roadie / friends:

I won't miss packing up and carrying all my gear home at 3 or 4 in the morning after a show.

Thanks to everyone who came out for redvinegar's last show -- it was a great success and I'm going to miss all of you who regularly came out. Some of you I know I will see again, but some of you I never see except at rv shows, which is really weird; for example, I see T. McGinnis probably 10 times a year -- but only at rv shows. I don't know when I'll see him next. I just hope that everyone truly understands that if it weren't for your support of the band, we really wouldn't and couldn't have continued doing what we did.

Thank you.

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