off by one for 2005 October 5 (entry 1)

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[Trackback URL for this entry] Wed Oct 05 21:38:36 PST no hot water -- cold water conjures up lost memories:

The hot water heater in the building died recently, so we've been out of hot water for over 24 hours. Today, before my interview, I took a cold shower, literally. It reminded me of being out at camp, and having all the hot water alread taken up. I can't count the number of cold showers I took there. Then at some point I just figured that swimming in the lake was as good as a shower and began showering a lot less. I also bought some random lye soap from TJ's because it reminded me of the Fels-Naptha that my scoutmaster used. This makes me think of the giant spiders and nasty floors that were to be found in the showers at camp.

Good times.

Great oldies, and the best of today!

Filed under: memories


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