off by one for 2006 January 27 (entry 0)

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[Trackback URL for this entry] [Comments] (1) Fri Jan 27 21:33:31 PST stolen bandage:

I found a used bandage in the street today so I should be able to do some dna testing once I can cobble together a suitable testing kit.

The terraforming these creatures have undertaken is ambitious. it appears that there are no substantial fresh water sources nearby, yet i would imagine the metropolis holds nearly 10 million of the indigenous species... and fresh "water" (that's what they call the yellow liquid that comes from the tap) flows freely. they must be piping it in from somewhere. i can only imagine the "reverse terraforming" that's happening in those areas... i'll have to try to gain access to some of the drainage and waterworks and see what i can find...

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Posted by Nick Moffitt at Sat Jan 28 12:32:19

Hey, how are you likin' the new razor setup?


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