Case-sensitivity is a given in most *NIX and programming environments. But in your editors and tools, case sensitivity is a double-edged sword. Sometimes it's nice to have case-insensitive search so you can find every matching sequence, but just as often I end up getting "too many hits". And doing find and replace insensitively can be really annoying. If only there was a smarter way to manage case!
There is. vim has a neat feature called "smartcase" that searches insensitively if you use all lower-case, but searches case-sensitively if you include any capital letters in your search. So,
... would find "foo", "Foo", "fOO", etc., but
... would only match on "Foo".
To enable smartcase, you also need to enable case-insensitivity. You can put this in your set smartcase " I'm sensitive, but not too sensitive.
However, if you want to do this on a case by case basis, you can do this in vim at runtime with
Tue Oct 16 12:05:03 PST Sometimes I can be a little too sensitive...:
set ignorecase " Do case insensitive matching
:set ignorecase
and :set smartcase
. (:set nosmartcase
and :set noignorecase
will undo the option.) Happy hacking!
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